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Old Fashioned Homecoming

Harvest Time Fellowship Old-Fashioned Homecoming!

Step back in time and join us for a special Homecoming & Old-Fashioned Day at Harvest Time Fellowship! Let’s celebrate our heritage, faith, and fellowship together!

Location: Harvest Time Fellowship
Address: 2865 Elkin Highway, North Wilkesboro, NC 28659
Date: Sunday, October 12th
Sunday School – 10:00 AM
Worship Service – 11:00 AM
Homecoming Dinner – Immediately Following Worship

Dress in your favorite pioneer or old-fashioned attire! (Optional, but fun!)
Bring your favorite covered dish and enjoy a wonderful meal, fellowship, and celebration together.

Come and be a part of this special day of faith, fun, and reflection as we honor the past and embrace the blessings of today. All are welcome—invite family and friends!

We can’t wait to celebrate with you!

#Homecoming #OldFashionedDay #FaithFellowship #HarvestTimeFellowship

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